German Culture Is Awesome!

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German Culture Is Awesome!

Just my little Sunday speech about why I really love my country despite everything that goes wrong, here. I criticize the EU and our government a lot and I have a whole catalogue of things that I would change. However, it is still the best country for me and I wouldn’t really want to live in any other place. That is why I will fight for it. Everything must change so that the important things can stay the way they are!

20 thoughts on “German Culture Is Awesome!

    Coterie said:
    June 26, 2016 at 11:18 pm

    Great message here, RPG. Life is indeed short, gotta look at the bright side. It is a pleasure to learn more about Germany and the German perspective, from your channel.

    nonzen1 said:
    June 27, 2016 at 6:49 am

    Greetings from Canada. Thanks for the great content. I am culturally appropriating the Sunday sausages and beer thing. I hope you don’t mind.

    MGHOW Individual said:
    June 27, 2016 at 10:39 pm

    Raus aus dem fucking EU Deutschland. Ihr Land lieben, wie ich liebe meine eigenen, brauchen wir keine EU-Bruder.

    Meatwad MGTOW said:
    June 29, 2016 at 5:05 am

    I’ve always loved German culture, even though I’ve never met anyone from Germany. I know that German manufacturing is very good, and I strive to buy German made products whenever given the opportunity. I’ve used several German made small engines (chainsaw, weedeaters) and they were very well made. They were expensive, but they were worth the money. I’ve got some old (1940’s era) German made pocket knives that are VERY sharp and fetch a pretty penny here in the US if sold. German candy, old German made clocks,etc are just a few other items that i’ve used that are good. Whenever I was helping a family member rebuild the engine on their Pontiac, I talked them into getting some German made spark plugs. Some may call me a traitor, but 95% of the time, I prefer German made stuff over American made stuff. Here recently I seen a German politician in a video here on youtube, who when questioned about the migrant wave and them letting them into Germany, he was like “well, Germany has done some bad things in the past and we’re just trying to make up for it” but I call BS on that. I know he was talking about WW2 and stuff, but as I said, I call BS on him saying that. I lost several family members who died fighting Nazi’s in WW2, but I DO NOT hold it against Germans and I do not expect any special treatment for it. I do not expect any Japanese person to apologize for Pearl Harbor. I don’t expect any Vietnamese people to apologize for my cousin who died there during the Vietnam war, just like I do not expect any Vietnamese person to apologize for my dad and several uncles who got shot or wounded while also serving in the Vietnam war. All of this BS about apologizing and giving special treatment to others simply because someone in their home country did some bad stuff many years ago has got to end or we’ll be going all the way back to the dawn of man apologizing for stuff. Your speech reminds me of something that I’ve heard said millions of times, and it stands true on my opinion of my own country. I love my country, but I despise my government.

    Brian Coyle said:
    June 29, 2016 at 4:37 pm

    That was a really nice video. It is important to value things in your culture and be proud of it. I am Irish and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else either. Enjoy your Sundays!

    Colonel Radec said:
    June 29, 2016 at 9:59 pm

    Germans everywhere are expected to apologetically go about their lives, which is why I adorn my rear car window with the Balkenkreuz and a bumper sticker that says “Heinz Guderian & Sepp Dietrich in 2016.” Come at me, ADL.

    Simon's Diamond mgtow said:
    June 30, 2016 at 5:06 am

    I love traditional German music!!! Beautiful!!! 🙂

    Martin Myrdal said:
    July 1, 2016 at 1:00 am

    Really enjoyed this and your other videos I’ve seen thus far. It’s refreshing to hear from a German who’s got a healthy outlook on life. Ich bin 2000 ausgewandert und fuer mich war (Nord-) Deutschland damals eigentlich schon verloren. Sehr traurige Sache.
    Sub’d for more!

    Ichrubbeldiekatz said:
    July 1, 2016 at 4:17 pm

    Ganz ehrlich, wenn du wirklich deine Kultur/dein Land lieben würdest, dann würdest du deine Videos in Deutsch machen und nicht in einer Fremdsprache !

    P.s.: Jedes Mal, wenn ich ‘ne Blaskapelle sehe, muß ich an den Spruch denken:
    “Better a blowjob, than no job…” 😉

    (Und wieso kommt da schon wieder einer beim Thema “Deutscher Kultur” mit so etwas dämlichen wie “Holohoax” bzw. Zündel(nden Revisionismus) in den Kommentaren an ?)

    8a41jt said:
    July 1, 2016 at 11:54 pm

    4:11 “This is why I think our culture is superior and worth defending.”
    I agree with you, although I’m not German — you certainly have the duty to defend it if you think like I do. Freedom is magnificent; we’re losing touch with it in today’s politically correct and polarized world. I’m glad you have some.

    mfriedrich2012 said:
    July 3, 2016 at 3:46 am

    It is a great culture. Music, literature, food, innovation, language, sense of order, and Prussian virtues, which I think are very good adages for men everywhere to consider for their own lives.

    Joe Cool said:
    July 6, 2016 at 5:03 pm

    It is good to hear that you are proud to be German and proud of Germany.  Germany has truly learned from the past and moved forward in a positive way.  I cannot say that for the USA, the UK, China, Spain, Japan, and few other nations around the world.
    I never really saw anything negative about Germany 30 years ago when I lived there.  I have been there several times since then and I always had a great time.  But I do miss the German look of 30 years ago.  Today, young Germans look like Americans with their T-shirts, hair styles, and athletic shoes (Americans call them sneakers).

    Prince OfTheUniverse said:
    July 13, 2016 at 2:34 am

    Typical Germ-manic statement thinking “our culture is superior and worth defending” if your culture is so superior, why did you lose 2 world wars? Why did you germ-manic degenerates get bombed back to the stone ages during WW2 only to get built back up by the same powers who bombed you (USA) via the Marshall plan? Your eCONomic “miracle” was obviously not based on your “germ-man superiority” but WELFARE, which continues to be the basis for your society today. Refugees realize this and that’s why they come! Not because they love your culture because it sucks! Your awful pig based slop for “cuisine” sucks and so does your awful Oompa Loompa corny ass music. Your people are naturally racist and xenophobic and the only ppl who seem to enjoy germ-many are the Germ-men!
    You think you have taken to red pill! Haha, funny. Typical germ-man, typisches douche thinking you are so enlightened when you are actually a degenerate.

    Prince OfTheUniverse said:
    July 13, 2016 at 2:37 am

    And Germ-many is not free country. Not by a long stretch. Refute this point if you dare and I’ll be back to put you back in your place which is the pig sty since you love pigs so much and you are what you eat.

    Prince OfTheUniverse said:
    July 13, 2016 at 2:58 am

    Here’s an idea! Make your next video about the horrible Germ-manic language and why it sounds like two cavemen fighting over a piece of pork!

    Dennis NL said:
    July 16, 2016 at 12:48 am

    Ich liebe auch die Deutsche Kultur und die Holländische Kultur natürlich hehe! Aber… I’m not a big fan of Schlager music 🙂 Hey just wanted to say ‘great channel’!

    viride soryu-langley said:
    September 30, 2016 at 12:54 pm

    Do you seriously think we have freedom of speech in Europe?

    Nicholas Joost said:
    October 7, 2016 at 6:53 pm

    My father’s side of the family came from Hamburg to New York in the early 1800’s and then to South Carolina, and Northeast Florida in the 1870’s. I’ve recently been wanting to get in touch with my German roots. Been listening to classical music by Mozart and Beethoven

    vidyaWolf said:
    March 31, 2017 at 12:51 am

    >superior culture lol
    German culture is not any more superior than any other western culture. In fact, you germans have not only forgotten, but betrayed your values, not once, but many times. What’s left that’s worth defending? Oktoberfest?
    Your soldiers won’t even defend your borders. Pathetic.

    The collapse will come and when it comes germany won’t be able to defend itself. If america wants you to fall, you will fall. Either by their action or inaction.

    It’s sad, because germany had so much potential. But it’s all down the drain now.

    Fenster Mayhew said:
    May 2, 2017 at 6:09 am

    True, German culture IS great! RPG sounds pretty based but I hope the rest of Germany can pull their heads out of their asses in time to save themselves

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